India's biggest state-backed film festival, the 45th International Film Festival of India 2014, opened in Goa on Thursday with an impressive line-up of over 170 films that will be screened over the next ten days. Two of the biggest stars of the Indian film industry, Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth, came together for the opening ceremony at the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee indoor stadium on the outskirts of the state capital Panaji.
While Bachchan was the chief guest for the ceremony, Rajinikanth will be honoured with the Centenary Award for the Film Personality of the Year.
The festival opens with Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf's The President, and will close with The Grandmaster by Wong Kar-wai. The Hong Kong-based director will also receive the lifetime achievement award on the last day of the extravaganza.
The 11-day festival will also screen 179 films from 75 countries across different categories which include World Cinema (61 films), Masterstrokes (11 films), Festival Kaleidoscope (20 films), Soul of Asia (7 films), Documentaries (6 films), and Animated Films (6 films). (With inputs from IANS)
Source : hindustantimes
While Bachchan was the chief guest for the ceremony, Rajinikanth will be honoured with the Centenary Award for the Film Personality of the Year.
The festival opens with Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf's The President, and will close with The Grandmaster by Wong Kar-wai. The Hong Kong-based director will also receive the lifetime achievement award on the last day of the extravaganza.
The 11-day festival will also screen 179 films from 75 countries across different categories which include World Cinema (61 films), Masterstrokes (11 films), Festival Kaleidoscope (20 films), Soul of Asia (7 films), Documentaries (6 films), and Animated Films (6 films). (With inputs from IANS)
Source : hindustantimes