Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi slashed price of the Mi 4 16 GB model by 16 per cent to Rs 14,999. "We are announcing price cut of Mi 4 16 GB model to Rs 14,999. It is effective from 9 pm (June 17) on Flipkart and and soon available across our other channel partners," Xiaomi global Vice President Hugo Barra said at an event. The company was celebrating sale of one crore Mi 4 smartphones.
While the company is advertising a price cut of Rs 5,000 on the Mi 4 (16 GB), the actual discount is of Rs 3,000. This is because Xiaomi had in April permanently slashed the price of the the Mi 4 by Rs 2,000 and started selling it at Rs 17,999. Therefore, the fresh discount on the Mi 4 is Rs 3,000 and not Rs 5,000.
Xiaomi launched the Mi 4 smartphone in July 2014 in China. It started sales of Mi4 16 GB in India in January.
The Mi 4 comes with 5-inch display, 13 megapixel main camera and 8 mp front camera. It has 3 GB RAM. The phone has 3080 mAh battery.
Xiaomi also showcased Mi selfie sticks which it said will be launched in India soon.
Source : ibnlive
While the company is advertising a price cut of Rs 5,000 on the Mi 4 (16 GB), the actual discount is of Rs 3,000. This is because Xiaomi had in April permanently slashed the price of the the Mi 4 by Rs 2,000 and started selling it at Rs 17,999. Therefore, the fresh discount on the Mi 4 is Rs 3,000 and not Rs 5,000.
Xiaomi launched the Mi 4 smartphone in July 2014 in China. It started sales of Mi4 16 GB in India in January.
The Mi 4 comes with 5-inch display, 13 megapixel main camera and 8 mp front camera. It has 3 GB RAM. The phone has 3080 mAh battery.
Xiaomi also showcased Mi selfie sticks which it said will be launched in India soon.
Source : ibnlive